Utilities: Water, Sewer, & Trash
Transfer StationThe Transfer Station (Dump) will be open from 10:00-11:00am every Saturday and Sunday. In an emergency, the facility will be closed.
Solid Waste |
Emergency ContactsJerrid Turner 575-643-5735 Danny Martinez 575-447-0567 |
It is important that only household trash is thrown away in the dumpsters. If you have large items or you are just cleaning up around the yard, please stop by Hall and pick up the transfer station key to properly dispose of these items. Thank you!
IMPROPER ASH DISPOSAL A fireplace or wood stove with a dancing fire lends a cozy feeling to any home, especially on a cool, blustery day. Fireplaces, wood stoves, bar-b-ques and other wood-burning equipment can provide efficient heat, cooking mediums and aesthetics. Unfortunately, all too often improper disposal of ashes from these devices is the cause of wild fires, as well as fires in dumpsters and trash cans. Piles of ashes can hold enough heat to start a fire for several days and even longer after any flames are seen if not properly extinguished. Before disposing of ashes, follow these steps: 1. Place them in a metal container, or on bare earth, never in paper or plastic bags or cardboard boxes. (We know this sounds obvious, but it happens all the time.) 2. Wet the ashes and stir as you add more water to make sure they are dead cold! 3. Do not throw cigarettes out of the car windows. A carelessly discarded cigarette or match can land in dry organic material resulting in a fire. 4. Make certain all smoking materials are cold before disposing. Leave ashtrays out overnight before emptying into a metal container.
IMPROPER ASH DISPOSAL A fireplace or wood stove with a dancing fire lends a cozy feeling to any home, especially on a cool, blustery day. Fireplaces, wood stoves, bar-b-ques and other wood-burning equipment can provide efficient heat, cooking mediums and aesthetics. Unfortunately, all too often improper disposal of ashes from these devices is the cause of wild fires, as well as fires in dumpsters and trash cans. Piles of ashes can hold enough heat to start a fire for several days and even longer after any flames are seen if not properly extinguished. Before disposing of ashes, follow these steps: 1. Place them in a metal container, or on bare earth, never in paper or plastic bags or cardboard boxes. (We know this sounds obvious, but it happens all the time.) 2. Wet the ashes and stir as you add more water to make sure they are dead cold! 3. Do not throw cigarettes out of the car windows. A carelessly discarded cigarette or match can land in dry organic material resulting in a fire. 4. Make certain all smoking materials are cold before disposing. Leave ashtrays out overnight before emptying into a metal container.

Water System Improvement Files:
- 00_GN01 Phase II-Title Sheet
- 01_WT01 Phase II
- 02_WT02 Phase II
- 03_WT03 Phase II
- 04_WT04 Phase II
- 05_WT05 Phase II
- 06_WT06 Phase II
- 07_WT07 Phase II
- 08_WT08 Phase II
- 09_WT09 Phase II
- 10_WT10 Phase II
- 11_WT11 Phase II
- 12_WT12 Phase II
- 13_WT13 Phase II
- 14_WT14 Phase II
- 15_WT15 Phase II
- 16_RMH Plans Phase II
- Phase II Specifications (complete except it does not include soils report) (very large file)
- Bid Tabulation
- Revised Water Preliminary Engineering Report (very large file)
- Water Response to NMED comments
Waste Water
3-31-09 Waste Water Engineering Report Summary Other